Friday, February 3, 2012

Meal Planner Updates

So, thanks to this idea from pinterest... I decided to do this for my weekly meal planning so I don't have to waste paper or ink. Yay!

So went to Wal-mart, and at first couldn't find anything like the frame I needed. My grandma was digging around looking, and she finally found the exact one that was pictured on pinterest. It was $10, yay! I also got dry erase makers and the stuff that cleans off white boards.

I decided to go ahead and use what I already had for Kiera's scrapbook, since I didnt feel like having to go buy more paper just for this project.

Luckily, I had enough letters to spell out "Our Week" though I was out of "k" so I got creative (oh gee..) and used an R and cut off the top piece.

So not to bore anyone with details, I cut all the squares out from different papers, and wrote the days of the week on each one, then stuck them in the frames. The one on Pinterest starts on Sunday, but I start my weeks on Monday. It's just easier for me. 

J loves the idea, and he thinks I did a great job on it, though I might do a bit more on the frame itself. There are a few dings and chips in the frame that I would want to cover up, but other then that, I am pretty happy with the result. It was so easy! Now I just need to make sure I stick to the menu planning every week!


  1. This is so cute and you did a wonderful job!

  2. Love it!! I am probably going to do something like this, but not for menu planning (we tend to make one big meal and eat leftovers.) I need something to keep myself on task with chores and other projects.

  3. You did a GREAT job on this, Lisa! Gotta love those pinterest ideas. Most people just post them, but it's awesome to see someone doing them! ~ Kelly

  4. Thanks guys =)

    Jenn, that's a great idea! I should do a second one for that... lol

    Kelly, there are a ton of them that I would love to do.. just need the money for it! lol
