Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weekly Meal Planner

So.. in an effort to become more organized, and cut back on spending, I have decided to try out the whole weekly meal planning thing. I know this is going to be hard for me to stick to, since I tend to decide what to make last minute, or I may change my mind.

I am going to try using a basic meal planner that I got from:
Now, I really wanted to have an ingredients list instead of a shopping list, so I may end up creating my own meal planner and changing it to how I want it. I want to try and limit what we have to buy to very little, besides maybe the normal bread, milk, produce, etc.

Speaking of produce, I also have started buying produce from Bountiful Baskets. I've only done it 1 week, and had more fruits and veggies then I can handle! You got 50% fruit and 50% veggies. I paid $15. Check out the site if you want more info.

 So back on topic... I am going to sit down and see if I can fill this out tonight.. the only night that will be hard is Wednesdays, since I have school. I guess I can just put Jay's choice (that's the husband!)

So this is what I came up with:

Left over chicken tortilla soup

Layered enchiladas (to be made in my stack cooker!)

Jay's Choice

Spaghetti with Italian sausage and garlic toast

Chicken & Dumplings

Bean & Ham soup with cornbread

Pasta with Alfredo sauce and garlic toast

As of right now, I have no need to go to the store for this coming week, considering I don't get paid till the 31st, that is a good thing!

As for breakfasts and lunches, I am currently on the Kellog's 2 week challenge, so I have my breakfast and lunches covered, hubby has to figure out stuff for him and our daughter. Will probably consist of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, grilled cheese, mac n cheese... breakfast for them is covered too, there is cereal and oatmeal to eat.

I will blog on the layered enchiladas, with pictures, since I will be using my stack cooker. Anytime I use Tupperware I will probably blog about it.

Once I create my own dinner planner, I will probably post that as well. 

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